Our price varies depandant on colour. Some are harder to breed than others. Please scroll down for examples of our current colours and prices.
Our black Sheepadoodles or black with minimal white are $3950. All our Sheepadoodles have the potential to turn to silver due to the Old English Sheepdog genes.
Tuxedo is a very popular colour choice, the striking contrast of the black and white legs and big white chest are usually what people think of first when they think of a Sheepadoodle. Our Black and white Tuxedo pups are $4950.
We are one of the only merle Sheepadoodle Breeders in Australia, all thanks to our handsome stud male FALCONWOOD MAVERICK. Blue merle comes in many shades from dark to light and all equally as stunning. Our straight blue merles with minimal white are $4950.
We are one of the only merle Sheepadoodle Breeders in Australia, all thanks to our handsome stud male FALCONWOOD MAVERICK. Abstract Blue merle also comes in many shades from dark to light but also have large areas of white, usually on the legs and chest. The main body colour is blue merle. Our abstract blue merles are $5500
Parti blue merle are very rare. Parti means that the majority of the coat is white with patches of colour. Our Merle Parti Sheepadoodles are $5500
Parti means that the majority of the coat is white with patches of colour. The patches may be any colour including merle, black, brown, red and more. Many with black patches will become silver patches with time. Our black and white parti sheepadoodles are $4950.
Click on the images to see what colour each dog is.
FALCONWOOD RUNE - Sheepadoodle - Black
RUDI - Sheepadoodle - Tuxedo Black and white
FALCONWOOD MAVERICK - Standard Poodle - blue merle
FALCONWOOD FALLON - Sheepadoodle - Abstract Blue Merle
FALCONWOOD REAGAN Sheepadoodle - Parti Blue Merle
FLYNN - Sheepadoodle - Parti Black and White